Iron ore in Africa - Wikipedia

Bambari and Bakala are iron ore deposits located approximately 1,500 km from the sea. Congo (Brazzaville) Deposits and production in Congo (Brazzaville) include: Mayoko – in 2008 a possible iron ore mine is being considered Mayoko is already served by a narrow gauge railway branchline. The company is Exxaro Resources.Announcement of positive results of Pre-Feasibility Study,,The Nimba Iron Ore Project is located in the Guinean Nimba Mountains, in south-eastern Guinea, adjacent to the Liberian and Ivoirian borders. It is a Tier 1 deposit containing extremely high grade, low impurity, direct shipping ore and is considered one of the best undeveloped iron ore resources in the world.Explorer announces positive PFS results,Dec 03, 2021· It is a Tier 1 deposit containing “extremely high-grade, low impurity, direct shipping ore” and is considered one of the best undeveloped iron-ore resources in the world. The mine contemplated,Liberia - Mining and Minerals,Oct 16, 2021· ArcelorMittal is the only large-scale international company currently engaged in iron ore mining operations and its multi-billion-dollar mineral investments include restoration and operation of the 243-kilometer rail line connecting its Tokadeh mine in northern Liberia to the Port of Buchanan, as well as roads, electrical plants, housing,,,